Shining After the Shadows of Christian Fundamentalism

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Is Fat Loss Impossible?

I’m careful about the messages I repeat in my head because I believe that we can think things into reality. So, I don’t like saying, “I just can’t burn fat.” However, my recent running streak and radical lifestyle changes in order to reduce my fat percentage and  ...

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Rows and rows and rows of heroes.

Underneath It All

A friend on Facebook posted the following request. “A positive only political post. No posting conspiracy theories or anything negative. What good has Trump done for the world? What good has Hillary Clinton done? No candidate bashing. I really want to know.” It seemed reasonable  ...

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100runningdays day 3
My Active Life Writing

Day 3: Did It Anyway

Starting off with a Runner’s Log: Day 3  of #100runningdays and today was a tough one. Maybe they all will be. My body is feeling the soreness from having run; getting out bed was achy from the first movement. My routine was wonky. And then, after dropping off my son at work, I felt that  ...

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