I put the last five short stories I’ve written together in a collection and published them. Over the past few years I’ve written a story to give away as a holiday gift to friends; this grouping includes those stories, which have been edited and reworked, as well as two new ones. ...
Sharing My Writing
I’ve had a lot of negative self talk lately. A lot of negativity, period. When I decided to eat gently without a scolding diet, and to move around gently without punishing my form, some things began to shift. I remembered I no longer have a garden. Sometimes I stay inside all day, ...
Why am I giving a short story as a gift?
Every day I milk a large, verbose cow. There was a little song my kids learned when they were preschoolers: “What can I give to the king, what can I give to the one who has everything.” It’s got a contagious earworm of a tune and a sentiment that gets under my skin anytime ...
How Long Should a Novel Be? (and other anxious doubts)
This weekend marked an enormous milestone for me: I completed the first working draft of my novel. I did not celebrate. In fact, I cried. Here’s why. I’ve been working on this story for a year now and finished the first structural draft last fall. It had a different working title ...
As a way of “killing two birds” I often use my Facebook status as a freewrite prompt. This is usually observation or character mini-study; I also post film reviews in this style. It’s been a good opportunity for casual feedback and I feel better about piddling away time on ...
The featured image is my curled parsley, a mammoth plant next to a few others that actually took off and grew this winter. There are a few herbs I’ve never grown well in Florida and lo, and behold, all they seem to have needed is the right season. Three varieties of Parsley, Rosemary, ...