News & Work
Emily in Your Phone on Substack : “A Former #TradWife on Dismantling the Patriarchy”
Cults to Consciousness : 8 Women from 8 Cults Compare Notes
Teen Vogue : How Many Trad Wives Spread Christian Nationalism and Helped Elect Donald Trump
Brevity Blog : Are Memoirs “Impossible to Sell”? Only If Narrowly Defined
Sarah McDugal | Wilderness to WILD
Toronto Star : I know first-hand the dangers of the ‘tradwife’ movement
Dame Magazine : Why Some of Us Have to Secretly Vote for Kamala
Ramona Magazine : “Exposing the Dark Truth Behind #TradWife Culture”
Newstalk : “How a trad wife escaped a Christian cult just in time”
Brevity Blog : “From Blog to Book: How the Digital World Can Launch a Writer” Independent UK : “How I escaped ‘trad wife’ hell”
Ramona Magazine : “BOOK REVIEW: A Well Trained Wife by Tia Levings”
Beyond BJU : Exposing Fundamentalism
Broadstreet Review : A Well-Trained Wife: My Escape from Christian Patriarchy, by Tia Levings
Sojourners : “How Tia Levings Quit Being A ‘Well-Trained Wife'”
The Dismantling Doctrine Podcast
In Pursuit of Clean Countertops on Substack : “An Ex-Trad Wife On What the Insta Photos Don’t Show”
The Washington Post : “A harrowing memoir that tradwife fans need to read”
Baptist News Global : “Politics, faith and mission: A conversation with Tia Levings”
Over the Influence on Substack : “TRADWIFE 2024: A glimpse into a Trump-Vance future”
Culture Study on Substack : “A Former Trad Wife on What It Actually Takes To Leave”
Publisher’s Weekly : Writers to Watch
Preacher Boys on Substack : “Tia Leving’s Harrowing Escape From the Christian Patriarchy”
New York Post : “Wife reveals dark underbelly of being in a deeply conservative Christian marriage”
Audible Blog : Editors Select: August 2024
In Conversation with Frank Schaeffer
The Click : A Former ‘Well-Trained Wife’ Describes her Escape from Violent, Christian Patriarchy
Under the Influence with Jo Piazza
Prey vs Predator
The Only One In The Room
Mormon Stories
The Revelation Project
The Rainy Day Collective
Speaking Up with Andrew Pledger
Unchurchable with Kit Kennedy
My Work
My memoir, A Well-Trained Wife: My Escape from Christian Patriarchy, releases with St. Martin’s Press on August 6th, 2024. You can find my work on religious trauma and church-sanctioned abuse here:
- When Church Hurts
- How Religion Controlled My Political Views
- Dear Karen: Your Discomfort is Important
- Rated ‘R’ For Religion
- The Duggars, Courtship and Trauma
- The Child-Parents and Sister-Moms of Duggarville
- Two Truths and a Lie
I also have a religious horror novel underway and a romantic comedy (albeit with some darker religious overtones) screenplay in progress.
My fiction favors magical realism and contemporary fantasy, with sub-genre dashes of romance, horror, and sci-fi. I like stories that trigger wonder and curiosity; the strange, unusual, and nuanced. I gravitate to female protagonists who challenge the paradigm and discover their agency, assertiveness, and power.
Other work:
I am also the co-author of Plotting Your Novel with The Plot Clock, with Joyce Sweeney and Jamie Morris. Our forward was written by Ryan G. Van Cleave.
My short story, Tertullian’s Law, placed third in the 2018 Short Story Project’s contest. It’s about an expectant mother in a state that grants personhood at conception and protects the child’s rights over those of their mother. Under another title and further developed, it was a 2020 finalist in the Cinematic Short Story Contest.
If you’re looking for examples of my freelance work, my resume and work samples are available on request. Check me out on LinkedIn.
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