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Writing for the Internet

Book Publishing Business Thoughts Memoir Writing Writing Business Writing for the Internet

When the Universe Aligns: How Unexpected Changes Can Make Writing Dreams Come True

This Spring has brought big changes to my life. I remember when I was a kid, growing up in the snowy white north of Upper Michigan, how Spring always revealed sleeping treasures. We’d spend Winter swathed in high snow banks, everything covered, sometimes with drifts way up over our heads.  ...

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Jacksonville Images What Experience Has Taught Me Writing for the Internet

The Power of No: Setting Personal and Work Boundaries for Greater Productivity and Integrity

Why can’t people get work done at work? It was the premise of a very good talk by Inc. columnist and 37signals co-founder Jason Fried at TEDxMidwest. He articulated the need of “creatives” – designers, programmers, writers, engineers, etc- to have long periods of uninterrupted time to get  ...

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