This Spring has brought big changes to my life. I remember when I was a kid, growing up in the snowy white north of Upper Michigan, how Spring always revealed sleeping treasures. We’d spend Winter swathed in high snow banks, everything covered, sometimes with drifts way up over our heads. ...
Writing for the Internet
Fit Writers: Reverse Engineering Goals and One Healthy Habit at a Time
The motto on the box says, “Lifelong transformation, one healthy habit at a time.” It caught my eye on a day when I was grumbling about the plateau pattern in my weight loss goal. It reminded me that while I might still be tempted mightily by the glorious white potato, I’m ...
Fit Writers: Tighten the Ship! Making Changes to OptaVia After a Weight Loss Plateau
I am slowly slogging my way out of the second puberty that came with my early forties. This is an OptaVia update post but the reality is so much larger than that. It would be unfair to claim my way out of the foggy forrest of mood swings, hot flashes, sloggy brain, involuntary weight gain and ...
Why am I giving a short story as a gift?
Every day I milk a large, verbose cow. There was a little song my kids learned when they were preschoolers: “What can I give to the king, what can I give to the one who has everything.” It’s got a contagious earworm of a tune and a sentiment that gets under my skin anytime ...
The Power of No: Setting Personal and Work Boundaries for Greater Productivity and Integrity
Why can’t people get work done at work? It was the premise of a very good talk by Inc. columnist and 37signals co-founder Jason Fried at TEDxMidwest. He articulated the need of “creatives” – designers, programmers, writers, engineers, etc- to have long periods of uninterrupted time to get ...
Why You Should Care About Having a Better Business Blog
Would you, or do you, yourself ever read your own company blog? Be honest. Or, is a better question, “When was the last time your company blog was updated?” Virtual cobwebs on the site much? Time stamp from the last administration? “Maintaining content is a top pain ...