“Self-conscious” means to have undue awareness of one’s self, one’s appearance, or one’s actions. I remember the day self-consciousness replaced self-confidence. In 4th grade I was a rough and tumble woods girl, living in the upper peninsula of Michigan. That April we moved to Florida, land of ...
What Experience Has Taught Me
Novel Notes: Creating a Scene Plan
5 scenes in I can already tell a spreadsheet scene plan is going to be a powerful tool for me to use. I think I got the idea from Novel Writing for Dummies, though I’m not positive; I’ve got several help-books going at once. By using my 3 act summary in Scrivner and character list, ...
What Flannery accomplished in 2 hours a day, most of us won’t do in a lifetime.
“I’m a full-time believer in writing habits…You may be able to do without them if you have genius but most of us only have talent and this is simply something that has to be assisted all the time by physical and mental habits or it dries up and blows away…Of course you have to make your habits ...
I discovered something interesting about writing as a practice this week. First, my disciplined habit: It’s my practice to get up early, usually around 5 or 5:30, in order to write in a quiet house before our days get started. Most days this hour will be the only hour where I am ...
12 Reasons Why I Am Not Leaving Facebook in 2014
The word on the street is that there’s an exodus taking place: people are leaving Facebook in droves. The buzz about teens leaving has been around for awhile- Mashable even did this nifty statistic chart showing the age contrast of Facebook users since 2011. And to be sure, there are some ...
What Happens When You Unplug? Using Technology-Free Time to Make Smart Decisions
I’ll start with the scary part. Last year, about 13 months ago, I thought I was having a heart attack. At 38. I was driving out of the Target parking lot in the afternoon. I was also talking on the phone, checking for texts from two of my kids, trying to get to another child’s bus ...