Number one, an old man, heavyset, in a sleeveless sweatshirt, standing on his stoop at 6:15 am, looking at the blue light of his phone, not out to get the newspaper, standing there maybe out of habit. Number two, the busy birds, too many to count, rebounding high pitched ...
jacksonville images
How to Track Time While Working With Distractions
This post is the first in series, “Services that Help My Business Go”, wherein Tia shares some of her behind-the-scenes secrets. The other day I had a meeting with a business mentor at SCORE and we were discussing time management and discipline. My mentor, a man with a ...
Jacksonville Images Pinterest Page
I didn’t always think so but Jacksonville is a pretty great place to live, a combination of “the best kept secret” and “rising star”. I already feature my favorite images from around town, usually just shot with my iphone while in the midst of other living ...
Client Spotlight: RW Wealth in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida
Growing up, the rule was, “Leave a room nicer than it was when you found it”. I like applying that principle to my projects because it gets results. It’s gratifying to make improvements that do what’s intended and empowers a client’s goals. In that spirit, I want ...
12 Reasons Why I Am Not Leaving Facebook in 2014
The word on the street is that there’s an exodus taking place: people are leaving Facebook in droves. The buzz about teens leaving has been around for awhile- Mashable even did this nifty statistic chart showing the age contrast of Facebook users since 2011. And to be sure, there are some ...
The Power of No: Setting Personal and Work Boundaries for Greater Productivity and Integrity
Why can’t people get work done at work? It was the premise of a very good talk by Inc. columnist and 37signals co-founder Jason Fried at TEDxMidwest. He articulated the need of “creatives” – designers, programmers, writers, engineers, etc- to have long periods of uninterrupted time to get ...