I snuck fruit one day and it tasted like nectar of the gods. My body has so fully adjusted to being fed every 2.5 hours that if I’m late, my cells can be heard screaming for food and water fuel. I found low-carb pizza called Real Good Pizza in the freezer section and on days when I ...
Fit Writers: How to Reduce Stress and Lose Weight- Not Even Kidding.
And it’s hard to write about being happy ‘Cause all that I get I find that happiness is an extremely uneventful subject – Florence + The Machine, No Choir My days have settled into a new kind of clockwork, a healthy rhythm that feels calm. In fact, what follows may be ...
Fit Writers: My Enlightening Lightening First Week of Weight Loss with Optavia
One week into Optavia, I’m forced to realize this weight isn’t going to actually slide off. I used to imagine that gelatinous cellulite could be metabolically heated into a biosilky oil that progressively liquified into sweaty salt secreted through the glands in all the sweaty ...
Fit Writers: Putting My Inability to Lose Weight to the Optavia Test
At the moment, I’m noticing how the melted vegan butter spread swirls with warm strawberry jam in the crusty holes of my toasted baguette breakfast. I don’t usually eat in the morning other than coffee with almond milk but later today my first box of Optavia food comes in and ...
It’s Already Hard to Get Up and Run on the Second Day
I was staring at the ceiling but with my eyes closed– have you ever done that? I was seriously debating not getting up to run on DAY TWO under the reasoning that we are planning the beach tonight after work and I could run then. Which, often gets cancelled if our work runs late. The ...