What does it really mean to be who you are? If you are changed, because some external force determined that you should, what is the cost? How much can be taken before the essence of your potential would no longer exist? Those are the haunting final questions that the Imitation Game left me ...
Jacksonville Images
Novel Notes: Creating a Scene Plan
5 scenes in I can already tell a spreadsheet scene plan is going to be a powerful tool for me to use. I think I got the idea from Novel Writing for Dummies, though I’m not positive; I’ve got several help-books going at once. By using my 3 act summary in Scrivner and character list, ...
“You must be prepared to work always without applause.” -Ernest Hemingway
What Flannery accomplished in 2 hours a day, most of us won’t do in a lifetime.
“I’m a full-time believer in writing habits…You may be able to do without them if you have genius but most of us only have talent and this is simply something that has to be assisted all the time by physical and mental habits or it dries up and blows away…Of course you have to make your habits ...
How to Track Time While Working With Distractions
This post is the first in series, “Services that Help My Business Go”, wherein Tia shares some of her behind-the-scenes secrets. The other day I had a meeting with a business mentor at SCORE and we were discussing time management and discipline. My mentor, a man with a ...
Jacksonville Images Pinterest Page
I didn’t always think so but Jacksonville is a pretty great place to live, a combination of “the best kept secret” and “rising star”. I already feature my favorite images from around town, usually just shot with my iphone while in the midst of other living ...