I didn’t always think so but Jacksonville is a pretty great place to live, a combination of “the best kept secret” and “rising star”. I already feature my favorite images from around town, usually just shot with my iphone while in the midst of other living ...
Browsing Tag:
social media
Blather Experience Jacksonville Images What Experience Has Taught Me
12 Reasons Why I Am Not Leaving Facebook in 2014
The word on the street is that there’s an exodus taking place: people are leaving Facebook in droves. The buzz about teens leaving has been around for awhile- Mashable even did this nifty statistic chart showing the age contrast of Facebook users since 2011. And to be sure, there are some ...
Jacksonville Images Marketing Strategy Website Design
Build Your Bridges: How to Improve Site Performance
“No man is an island” according to John Donne. Turns out, neither is no well-performing website. Still, plenty of businesses build a website all about,and only about, them. It’s got their “about”, their FAQ’s, the contact pages, the list of services. Then, ...