When finished the second draft of my novel, The Perfect Traveler, I had a sludge of slow cooked emotions in my pot. Relief, pride, discouragement, frustration, embarrassment, achievement….never has the classic writing advice to, “put it away in a drawer for awhile and forget about ...
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Memoir Novel Writing Sharing My Writing Writing
How Long Should a Novel Be? (and other anxious doubts)
This weekend marked an enormous milestone for me: I completed the first working draft of my novel. I did not celebrate. In fact, I cried. Here’s why. I’ve been working on this story for a year now and finished the first structural draft last fall. It had a different working title ...
Two years ago I started work on a novel that I thought would be easy to write. I’d dreamed the entire plot and cast of characters. It seemed the only work would be in getting it onto the page. In reality, it revealed my deficits in understanding plot structure. So, I spent time ...