Tia’s Writing
My memoir releases in 2024.
Early readers called it:
- “…brave, bold work, crisply written, innovative and utterly compelling.”
- “I stayed up all night trying to get to a stopping place, sobbing and heartbroken for this character.”
- “What surprised me was that this sort of fundamentalism has been going on right under our nose and I never saw it.”
Other work:
I am also the co-author of Plotting Your Novel with The Plot Clock, with Joyce Sweeney and Jamie Morris. Our forward was written by Ryan G. Van Cleave.
My short story, Tertullian’s Law, placed third in the 2018 Short Story Project’s contest. It’s about an expectant mother in a state that grants personhood at conception and protects the child’s rights over those of their mother.
I post essays on writing, creative time management, and life after religious trauma on my blog.
If you’re looking for examples of my freelance work, my resume and work samples are available on request.
Collaborations and History:
My favorite aspect of Hit Record is that its allows me to explore mediums and expressions that I might not default to when I have an idea. Such as:
- Joining a team of comedy writers to create and develop a hilarious podcast series. Podpast: 1991. Proof Of Concept episode released in 2018.
- Participating in a bold, honest and irreverent mini web series on sex education called The Encyclopedia of Lydia. Heads up, it’s PG-13 if you are sensitive that way.
- Contributing to a series called On Mornings, published on Medium.com. I wrote part V of Morning Companions.
“Twice now I’ve written books that began as presents to people I loved….” -Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird
The vast majority of my writing is unknown. That’s because from 2008- 2013 I worked for Business Breakthroughs with Chet Holmes and Tony Robbins as a Director of Writer’s Services and ghost writer. I wrote hundreds of articles that spanned 125 different industries and none of them were in my name. The best part of that was that it taught me how to mimic pulp speed to a deadline and get the job done. The worst part is how ephemeral all that work can be when companies go out of business and take down their websites. It’s a driving conviction of mine now to credit all writers, artists, and contributors to a project. Creators deserve to have their work identified and attributed to their name.
- Interviews, newsletter copy, and articles for Gilda’s Club Westchester, Catholic Charities- Queens & Brooklyn, Covenant House, Habitat for Humanity NYC, and Freedom from Hunger.
- 4 years with Brave Writer, a homeschooling curriculum company. I worked in creative marketing on myriad projects including viral contest design, social media platform management, video editing, email marketing and book marketing. I designed and ran the pre-order launch campaign for The Brave Learner: Finding Everyday Magic in Homeschool, Learning, and Life, which achieved its goal of nearly 200 Amazon reviews within the first month of publication (TarcherPerigee).
- 15 years of experience consulting on blogging for business and marketing, SEO and Analytics, customizing WordPress blogs, and writing for the internet. My previous blog Living Deliberately, regularly achieved 80k hits per week.